Why AI Voices Cannot Be a Good Fit for Advertisements

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In today’s digital age, artificial intelligence (AI) has made its way into nearly every aspect of our lives, from virtual personal assistants to self-driving cars. One area where AI has been gaining traction is in the world of advertising. Marketers and advertisers are increasingly exploring the use of AI-generated voices in their campaigns. However, while AI voices have their merits, they also come with significant limitations that make them less than ideal for advertisements. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of AI voices cannot be a good fit for advertisements.

What is an AI voice?

AI voices, often referred to as synthetic voices or text-to-speech (TTS) voices, are generated using sophisticated algorithms and machine learning models. These voices can replicate the sound of human speech, making them appealing for various applications, including customer service, accessibility, and even advertisements.

What are the limitations of AI voices?

AI voices are not as versatile as human voices

One of the primary limitations of AI voices is their lack of versatility. While AI can simulate different tones, accents, and styles of speaking to some extent, they still fall short of the diverse range of voices and emotions that human actors can convey. Advertisements often require a unique voice to connect with a specific target audience, and AI voices may struggle to capture the subtleties needed for effective communication.

Read also: The Future of Voice Over: AI and Machine Learning

AI voices are not as persuasive as human voices

Persuasion is a crucial element of advertising. Human voices have the ability to convey emotions, build trust, and establish a personal connection with the audience. AI voices, on the other hand, can come across as cold and robotic, lacking the warmth and authenticity that human voices naturally possess. This can result in advertisements feeling less engaging and relatable to consumers.

AI voices are not as memorable as human voices

Memorability is another essential aspect of advertising. A well-executed advertisement often features a memorable voice that sticks in the minds of consumers. Human voices have the advantage of leaving a lasting impression, while AI voices tend to be forgettable and easily interchangeable. This can undermine the brand’s efforts to create a lasting impact on its audience.

AI voices can be expensive to produce

Contrary to the perception that AI voices are a cost-effective solution, creating high-quality AI voices can be a costly endeavor. Developing and fine-tuning AI models to generate natural-sounding voices requires significant investments in research and development. Additionally, licensing fees for commercial use of AI voice technology can add to the overall expense. This cost factor may not align with the budget constraints of all advertisers.


While AI voices offer certain advantages in terms of automation and accessibility, they are not without their limitations. When it comes to advertising, the ability to persuade, connect emotionally, and leave a lasting impression on consumers is paramount. Human translation, human voices, with their richness, authenticity, and versatility, remain the preferred choice for effective advertising campaigns. While AI voices may have their place in certain applications, advertisers should carefully consider whether they can truly deliver the impact and resonance required for their specific campaigns. In the world of advertising, the human touch still reigns supreme.


Author Since: March 14, 2022

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